The java program developed here is to implement bank functionality. The user can create an account, check, deposit money, withdraw, and also search account. At first, we created an interface called the central bank to do a few operations mentioned above. Then we created three subclass UNB, FGB, and NBD these classes will take customer account details and then we created a class Bankdriver to invoke all the methods in the subclasses.
Implementing classes/ interfaces namely Customer, Account, and CentralBank with required member variables and functions
Implementing the subclasses UNB, NBD, and FGB with required member variables and functions
Implementing BankDriver class for creating the objects of subclasses and invoking their methods
System.out.println( " 1.Create an account \n2. Display all account details \n 3. Search by Account number\n 4. Deposit the amount \n 5. Withdraw the amount \n 6. Remove account\n 7.Exit " );
System.out.println( "Enter your choice: " ); ch = sc.nextInt(); case 1 : CentralBank cus = createAccount(C); if (cus != null ) < if (C.isEmpty())< System.out.println( "No accounts found" ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < C.size(); i++) < C.get(i).showAccount(); System.out.print( "Enter account no. you want to search: " ); String ac_no =; boolean found = false ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < C.size(); i++) < found = C.get(i).search(ac_no); System.out.println( "Search failed! Account doesn't exist. " ); System.out.print( "Enter Account no. : " ); ac_no =; found = false ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < C.size(); i++) < found = C.get(i).search(ac_no); System.out.println( "Enter the amount to deposit" ); long amount = sc.nextLong(); C.get(i).deposit(amount); System.out.println( "Search failed! Account doesn't exist. " ); System.out.print( "Enter Account No : " ); ac_no =; found = false ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < C.size(); i++) < found = C.get(i).search(ac_no); System.out.println( "Enter the amount to withdraw" ); long amount = sc.nextLong(); C.get(i).withdraw(amount); System.out.println( "Search failed! Account doesn't exist.!" ); System.out.println( "Enter your acc no: " ); String temp =; found = false ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < C.size(); i++) < found = C.get(i).search(temp); System.out.println( "Account deleted successfully" ); System.out.println( "Search failed! Account doesn't exist.!" ); case 7 : break ; default : System.out.println( "Enter the correct Choice" ); while (ch != 7 );Output:
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